Wednesday, December 28, 2011

You should really know how much you mean to me.

The taste of your promise, the feel of your touch, the warmth of your body, the sense of your embrace..
You should know how much I miss you.

Have you ever thought of dying? What it feels like? What yours will be?
I already felt mine.

The absence of your present, the missing of your voice. Oh I really miss hearing your voice, listen to your singing, smile at you everytime you created a song of me.

I miss the way you hold me. How you won't let me go. How you tell me that you wouldn't go away from me.
But you didn't make me stay, eitherway.

Have you ever thought that this is, the best decision we had ever made?
Has it crossed your mind that, we're not waving goodbyes? That we're saying "See you in a better time" instead?
Has that question ever crossed in your mind?
It crossed on mine.

Well even you're not mine anymore.

Am I still yours?
Am I still the one you put your heart on?
Am I still the one you give your hopes to?
Am I still the one that you love so much?

People say that being brokenhearted is a myth.
I don't believe in any kind of myth.
And now am feeling brokenhearted.
The evil part of me says that I'm being left.
But the other one says that you do this, ALL of this, for our own good. Not only yours, but mine too.

I don't know why am I writing this.
It's hard for me to pass even a single day without your presence.
It's been weeks, and I already felt weak.

The message that you got on your phone last night, is true.
That I,
miss you.
That's all.

Thank you.
Let me tell you one thing straight here.
After those up-and-downs, after all the time we spent together, after all the tries and tears, after all the love and heartache we felt,
I decided to stop.

I know, I may sound really stupid here in my own blog,
but I admit, that I am.
Being brokenhearted isn't my fave thing to have, actually.
Oh no one likes it though.

The reason is, this is the final exhausted moment in my life.
I don't want to put the blame on anyone, because it's just me and my childish-ness.

Oh who am I to judge?
The world isn't as big as I've thought.
My heart isn't as humble as I've expected.
The relationship isn't as mature as I've guessed..

So, this is it.
A final post from this tag.
The special tag that I specially dedicate for you, Libra.
One thing that I can say,
I'm sorry, for disappointing you with the expectations.
And for next year's plan,
you should find someone else that is much better than me to be your bride, your very beautiful bride, that will walk beside you with a huge, lovely smile.

That's all.
Have a good life.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

#1: Who am I?
 I am your constant companion. I am your greatest helper or heaviest burden.
I will push you onward or drag you down
to failure. I am completely at your command.
Half the things you do you might just as 
well turn over to me and I will be able to do 
them quickly and correctly.

I am easily managed--you must merely
be firm with me. Show me exactly how you 
want something done and after a few lessons
 I will do it automatically. I am the 
servant of all great individuals and, alas, of 
all failures, as well. Those who are great I
have made great. Those who are failures,
I have made failures.

I am not a machine, though I work
with all the precision of a machine plus
the intelligence of a human. You may run
me for a profit or run me for ruin--it
makes no difference to me.
Take me, train me, be firm with me, 
and I will place the world at your feet. Be
easy with me and I will destroy you.

Who am I?
I am habit

#2: Man in the Mirror
I'm starting with the man in
the mirror
I'm asking him to change
 his ways
And no message could have
been any clearer
If you wanna make the world
a better place
Take a look at yourself, and
then make a change.

When I was young and free and my my
imagination had no limits, I dreamed of
changing the world;

As I grew older and wiser I realized the
world would not change.

And I decided to shorten my sights
somewhat and change only my country.
But it seemed immovable.

As I entered my twilight years, in one last
desperate attempt, I sought to change
only my family, those closest to me, but
alas they would have none of it.

And now here I lie on my death bed and
realize (perhaps for the first time) that if
only I'd changed myself first, then by
example I may have influenced my
family with their encouragement
and support I may have bettered my
country, and who knows I may have
changed the world.

#4 There's a Hole in My Sidewalk by Portia Nelson
I walk down in the street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I fall in.
I am lost...I am helpless.
It isn't my fault.
It takes forever to find a way out.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I pretend I don't see it
I fall in again.
I can't believe I am in the same place
But, it isn't my fault.
I still takes a long time to get out

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the side walk
I see it there
I still fall in. It's a habit.
My eyes are open
I know where I am
It is my fault. I get out immediately.

I walk down the same street.
There is a deep hole in the sidewalk.
I walk around it.

I walk down another street

# 5 By Douglas Malloch
The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king
But lived and died a scrubby thing...
Good timber does not grow with ease,
The stronger the wind, the stronger the trees

#6 By Robert Frost
Two roads diverged in
a wood, and I--
I took one less 
traveled by,
And that has made all
the difference.

# 7 By Shakespeare
What win I, if I gain thing I seek?
A dream, a breath, a froth of fleeting joy.
Who buys a minute 's mirth to wail a week?
Or sells eternity to get a toy?
For one sweet grape who will the vine destroy?

To realize the value of One Year,
Ask a student who failed his or her AP exams.
To realize the value of One Month,
Ask a mother who gave birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of One Week,
Ask an editor of weekly magazine.
To realize the value of One Day,
Ask a daily wage laborer who has six kids to feed.
To realize the value of One Hour,
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.
To realize the value of One Minute,
Ask a person who missed their train.
To realize the value of One Second,
Ask the person who survived an accident.
To realize the value of One Millisecond,
Ask the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

# 9 Please Listen
When I ask you to listen to me
and you start giving me advice,
you have not done what I asked.
When I ask you to listen to me
and you begin to tell me why
I shouldn't feel that way,
you are trampling on my feelings.
When I ask you to listen to me
and you feel you have to do something
to solve my problem,
you have failed me,
strange as that may seem.
Listen! All I ask is that you listen
Don't talk or do--just hear me

# 10 The Cold Within
Six humans trapped by happenstance, in bleak and bitter cold,
Each oe possessed a stick of wood, or so the story's told.

Their dying fire in need of logs, the first man held his back,
For of the faces 'round the fire, he noticed one was black.

The next man looking 'cross the way they saw one not of his church,
And couldn't bring himself to give the fire his stick of birch.

The third one sat in lattered clothes, he gave his coat a hitch,
Why should his log be put to use to warm the idle rich?

The rich man just sat back and thought of wealth he had in store,
And how to keep what he had earned from the lazy, shiftless poor.

The black man's face bespoke revenge as the fire passed from the sight,
For all he saw in his stick of wood was a chance to sit the white.

The last man of his forlorn group did naught except for gain,
Giving only to those who gave how he played the game.

Their logs held tight in death's still hand was proof of human sin.
They didn't die from the cold without--they died from the cold within

I hope it's inspire you guys :D

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Yaah, gue gak pernah mau ngejudge atau gimana, tapi sebenarnya, all of us are the part of the twitter trashes.

Kalau kalian rajin ngetweet, kalian pasti tau istilah "bacot", atau "frontality", yaah, atau account-account tweets yang di urus beberapa remaja galau [kbbi: sibuk beramai-ramai; ramai sekali; kacau tidak keruan (pikiran); ke·ga·lau·an n sifat (keadaan hal) galau]

Yaah, it seems Twitter is being a bullying place for teens, maaf, remaja beremosi labil. Banyak keribetan yang terjadi di Twitter, tentunya kepada gue juga. Contoh-contoh:

Nyindir, contoh:

"Kampung banget sih lo! Pacaran gak usah di timeline ngapa hah?!"

Berdasarkan analisa (cuih :P) yang bikin tweet kayak gini (atau persisnya kayak di atas), adalah orang single yang lagi labil di tinggal kekasih hati kawin sama gorilla. Nahloh! Beberapa menyertakan hashtag #nomention atau #nyindir, ya bagi yang gitchuw dech!

Merasa tersindir

Ini adalah kelanjutan alias episode 2 dari "Nyindir". Kalau misalnya ada yang ngetweet kayak yang tadi, pasti yang merasa tersindir, pasti orang yang pas muncul tweetnya lagi mention-mentionan sama ayang nya. Nah kalau si yang merasa tersindir ini juga labil, dia bakalan ngetweet:

"Yang kampung itu lo! Sirik ya jadi jomblo ha ha ha!"

atau yang labil berbulu penyabar

"Sabar aja deh, ntar kena batunya tuh :)"

Tapi dua-duanya sama aja, termasuk dalam kategori "Merasa tersindir" dan "Nyindir", jadi mungkin kalo yang pihak nyindir merasa tersindir, oke, perang dunia bakalan meletus di timeline.


 Bener-bener ada di kalangan timeline gue. Selalu ngetweet:

"Gak berani frontal?! Pe nge cut!"

Padahal di lihat dari struktur tweet tersebut (?) Jelas-jelas si pengetweet juga melakukan sindir nomention yaitu tidak memention orang yang menurutnya tidak berani frontal yang secara kasarnya, berarti dia ngatain dia sendiri.. Dengan kata lain.. b*******. -_-"

Patah Hati (putus) berlanjut ke Galau

Sering banget di jumpai di timeline, apalagi kalo following agak banyak remaja labil. Suka banget ngetweet kayak gini:

"Andai kamu di sini masih sama aku. Kamu tau kan aku masih sayang sama kamu."


"Aku kangen teleponan sama kamu jam-jam segini kayak dulu"

atau versi alay nya:

"Ngend kmuh..... Kmuh dmnah? Ngadd kuh chlalu chynk muh.."
Translate: "Kangen kamu.. Kamu dimana? Ingat aku selalu sayang kamu"

Ngekngok. 95% yang ngetweet kayak gini adalah cewek yang di putusin sama mantannya dan belum menemukan hansaplast hati. Bergenre galau dan sanggup bergadang tengah malam cuma buat menuh-menuhin timeline dengan kekangenannya, berharap sang pujaan hati kembali ke pelukan dan bisa calling-calling lagi.

Account Labil RT Abusers

Ngefollow account tweet kegalauan remaja berembel-embel seperti (nama pura-pura deh. gak pernah ada kayaknya)

@kumacicayangkmuh @inimulutku @selalugalau @kitaanakfrontal @cintakamuselalu


@faktacintakitabeb @remajagalaws @galaugapapadong @menggalaumassal

Account di atas hanya fiktif belaka. Tapi gak tau juga kalo ada yang beneran, hehehe -_-" Biasanya sering banget di retweet, sekali retweet banyak-banyak (yang ini yang paling annoying) :| dan isinya perpaduan dari semua sampah-sampah dunia + sampah internet -_-

 Udah sampai segini dulu deh, ntar di update kalau sempat :P

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ini soundtrack lagu newmoon yang gue suka. Hahaha 

Lykke Li - Possibility

 There's a possibility
 There's a possibility
 All that I had was all I'm gonna get
 All I wanted is gone with your stare
 All I wanted is gone with your stare
 So tell me when you hear my stop
 You're the only one that knows
 Tell me when you hear my silence
 There's a possibility I would't know
 Know that when you leave
 Know that when you leave
 By blood about me you walk like a thief
 By blood about me I fall when you leave
 So tell me when you hear my heart stop
 You're the only one that knows
 Tell me when you hear my silence
 There's a possibility I wouldn't know
 So tell me when my sigh is over
 You're the reason why I'm closed
 Tell me when you hear me falling
 There's a possibility it wouldn't show
 Know that when you leave
 Know that when you leave
 By blood about me I fall when you leave
 By blood about me i follow your lead

Satellite Heart – Anya Marina
So pretty
 so smart
 Such a waste of a young heart!
 What a pity
 what a sham
 What’s the matter with you, man?
 Don’t you see it’s wrong
 can’t you get it right?
 Out of mind and outta sight
 Call on all your girls, don’t forget the boys
 Put a lid on all that noise!
 I’m a satellite heart
 lost in the dark
 I’m spun out so far
 you stop, I start
 But I’ll be true to you
 I hear you’re living out of state, running in a whole new scene
 They say i haven’t slept in weeks, you’re the only thing i see
 I’m a satellite heart
 lost in the dark
 I’m spun out so far
 you stop, I start
 But I’ll be true to you
 I’m a satellite heart
 lost in the dark
 I’m spun out so far
 you stop I start
 But I’ll be true to you no matter what you do
 yeah I’ll be true to you

MUSE - I Belong To You

 When these pillars get pulled down,
 It will be you who wears the crown,
 And I'll owe everything to you

 How much pain has cracked your soul?
 How much love could make you whole?
 You're my guiding lightning strike

 I can't find the words to say,
 But they're overdue,
 I've travelled half the world to say,
 I belong to you

 Then she attacks me like a Leo,
 When my heart is split like Rio,
 But, I assure you my debts are real

 I can't find the words to say,
 When I'm confused,
 I've travelled half the world to say,
 You are my mu-

 (Ah! Réponds à ma tendresse,
 Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse,
 Réponds à ma tendresse,
 Réponds à ma tendresse,
 Ah! Verse-moi l'ivresse,
 Verse-moi, verse-moi l'ivresse,
 Réponds à ma tendresse,
 Réponds à ma tendresse,
 Ah! Verse-moi l'ivresse,
 I belong,
 I belong to you alone)

 I can't find the words to say,
 But they're overdue,
 I've travelled half the world to say,
 I belong to you
Bwahahahak HALLO BLOGAAAAAAHHHH!! :D Gue mau berbagi kesenangan gue nih :)) Why? Cause yesterday was my sweet 15th for meeeee!! HAHAHA yaak maklum lah yaa.. Namanya juga anak-anak #Laah? Piyee? Apa hubungannya?

Terima kasih Tuhan, untuk sekali lagi membiarkanku melewati tanggal 30 dengan wajah bahagia yang berlebihan yang mungkin mengganggu pemandanganMu dari atas sana..

Aku bahagia !!!!! Sesederhana itu aku mendeskripsikan kadoMu.. Mendengar tawa riuh mereka yang berkata “SELAMAT BERUMUR 15 !” dengan do'a-do'a dan pesan yang merujuk pada satu muara.. ”berharap aku selalu bahagia”

15 ! sudah lewat dari 13 untuk bermanja-manja.. Tapi rasanya aku masih butuh di arahkan, sekali, dua kali, sering kali..

Sudah lewat masanya aku memesan hadiah pada papa.. Tapi beliau masih saja bertanya “mau kado apa ?”
Dan mama, sudah tidak mungkin lagi untuk di repotkan memesan kue dan membayar tagihannya..

15 ! Rasanya aneh dan tidak biasa..

Yap! gue pikir ini bakal jadi birthday yang interesting for me. But in the fact not like that :( Hmm.. Etapi enggak juga deng :D Gue cukup seneng kemaren. Karna gue bisa merayakannya bareng keluarga gue especially mama papa yang udah kasih surprise buat gue kemaren, adek gue yang kemaren seharian nurut sama perintah gue hahahaha, and.. not for my dearest sister :'( Yeah, gue lagi ada masalah sama dia. Soo.... gue sama dia lagi diem-dieman nih sekarang. Gak tau deh yah sampe kapan. Haha gak penting juga sih menurut gue. Karna gue juga lagi kesel banget sama dia karna tingkahnya yang sok penguasa, suka nyuruh-nyuruh seenak jidatnya. Di kira gue pembokat dia kali -,- Okey gue lagi males bahas soal itu. Back to my 15th birthday :)) Mama pulang kerja, bawain gue kue ulang tahun. Wow! Its so excited moooooommmmmmmm ♥ tengkyuuuu *Smoch! And papa yang dengan sifatnya yang tegas, memberikan ucapan "Selamat ulang tahun nia" ♥ Aw! Betapa senengnya gue denger kata-kata itu. Papa bukan sosok yang menyebut anak-anaknya dengan panggilan "Sayang" layaknya Seorang papa yang ada di dunia ini. Dan gue suka itu. Walaupun terkesan papa gak perhatian and bla bli blu ble blo Tapi sebenernya tuh papa perhatian banget sama anak-anaknya. Papa sering nasehatin gue ini-itu. Daaaannnnnn gue dengan angkuhnya "Iya pa, ngerti" Sekedar masuk kuping kanan dan keluar kuping kanan juga. Yah gue juga suka ngedumel sendiri "gak bosen apa ngomelin gue ini-itu" Tapiiiii.. Pada akhirnya gue sadar, semua itu papa lakuin buat kebaikan gue juga. Dan gue sangat sangat berterima kasih sama Allah karna udah kasih Keluarga yang utuh dan sayang sama gue :)) Dan yang buat gue seneng kemaren juga adalah, surprise dari temen-temen sekolah gue :D Thankiss guyssss lafyuuu all ♥ Dan juga ucapan dari temen-temen gue di Social Media as Facebook, Twitter, and etc. makasih yah buat ucapan dan do'anya :) amien amien semoga terkabul.

Dan gue pribadi punya harapan untuk ulang tahun gue kali ini. Here we go! :)
  1. Be better than previous me :)
  2. Di lancarkan semua urusan
  3. Di berikan kesehatan, rezeki, nilai bagus, lulus dengan nilai yang baik, karirnya bagus. Amien amien :)
  4. Lebih rajin sholat gak bolong-bolong lagi sholatnya, lebih banyak ketawa daripada galau :D, mau cari temen sebanyak-banyaknya bukan cari musuh. Amien amien :)
  5. Buat keluarga gue, semoga di beri kesehatan juga, rezekinya di lancarkan, sukses dunia akhirat. Amieeen yaallah :)
  6. Lebih sering jujur daripada bohong, Etapi bohong demi kebaikan gapapa dong yah? haha
  7. Orang yang gue sayang, semoga di lindungi selalu. Amien amieeeeenn :)
  8. Dan yang terakhir, getting older getting better, Wishes all the best for me and Allah bless me always. Pokoke yang baik-baik deh do'anya. Bahaha *gak sante* Amieeeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnn :))
Owkaaay blogaaaah sekian yah postingan gue kali ini. Sekali lagi makasih ya buat yang udah ngucapin dan do'ain yang baik-baik buat gue. Makasih banyak guyssss :))